Thursday 26 June 2014


'My Husband Is Too Strict For My Liking' -Dayo Adeneye’s Wife Reveals!

  • Thursday 26 June 2014

  • Gorgeous wife of popular Co-owner of Prime Time Entertainment, Dayo ‘D-One’ Adeneye, Caroline Adeneye who met her hubby many years ago when she went house searching after she left school and landed in the compound of her landlord who later turned out to be her father-in-law, Pa Samuel Ayodele Adeneye, has relished her love life since her marriage to Dayo and the reasons their marriage is intact.

    According to Caroline, Dayo her husband pushes and aspires her towards success, as he sees no wrong with his wife been richer or wealthier than him, but rather sees it as a blessing, which is one of the many reasons she loves him the most for. Also, the fact that he doesn't like her been idle and gives her room to take care of her needs, shares her business and successes with her, encourages her and gives her room to grow, which she says is still found wanting amongst most Nigerians in this dispensation.

    Furthermore, she went on to add that D-One is too strict for her liking which most people don’t know about him. For her, her hubby is firm which makes it quite difficult for him to change his mind whenever he has made up his mind on something. As well as very calculative and doesn't react quickly, but at the end, the result of what he believes in starts to show and there is the need to appreciate his stance, which he also impacts on the children.

    Liked by her father-in-law for her good manners and aware she would make a good wife to one of his sons, where in decided to woo her for Adeneye, Caroline claims she is married to Dayo Adeneye and not ‘D-One’, for D-One stops at the gate , when he is home, he is Dayo Adeneye.

    They go through what every couple go through in marriage, they have had their arguments and make peace, and so do not think there is anything different, as she doesn't seem threatened with the whole lots of ladies who wants her husband.
    Caroline is the MD/CEO of Sierra Global Concepts, a fully fledged events and corporate gifts company.

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