Saturday, 13 September 2014


PHOTOS: Man Stabs another Man to Death in Public over Wife

  • Saturday, 13 September 2014
  •  PHOTOS: Man Stabs another Man to Death in Public over Wife
    A Chinese man who was convinced his wife was having an affair, ended the imagined love-triangle by stabbing his innocent ‘rival’ to death in the street.
    DailyMail reports that Qin Han, 39, believed his wife Du, 33, was sleeping with a colleague and went to her workplace to confront her.
    After spotting Du with the man he believed was her lover as they left the building, he attacked him with a knife, leaving him in a pool of blood.
    According to neighbours, Mr and Mrs Qin had been arguing for months over his suspicions that she was cheating on him. And after a particularly violent row at their home in the city of Xinxiang in central China’s Henan province, the father-of-two had decided to go to her work to ‘find proof’.
    When he saw the man, known only as Mr Zhao, leaving the building with his wife, Mr Qin confronted the pair of them in the street and a heated row followed, local news reports.
    He refused to accept Mr Zhao’s insistence that he was certainly not having an affair with his wife, and his denials only enraged Mr Qin.

    When he turned to walk away, Mr Qin pulled out a knife and launched a furious attack on Mr Zhao, stabbing him repeatedly and leaving the man on the street.
    Although police were called when they arrived the man was already dead, lying in a pool of blood, and a blood-stained Mr Qin was sitting on the floor in front of his tearful wife.
    An eyewitness said:
    The man was just sitting there, not making any attempt to escape when the police arrived. His wife was hysterical, she was shouting at him and saying “What am I supposed to do now? He seemed in contrast really quiet. He said: “Take care of our kids, this is not on you”’
     PHOTOS: Man Stabs another Man to Death in Public over Wife
     PHOTOS: Man Stabs another Man to Death in Public over Wife

    Operation stop the monster is what I term the current steps, measures and actions that is been taken by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and all other countries with cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). I’m incredibly impressed with the Nigeria government’s focus on containing the spread of Ebola.
    - See more at:
    Operation stop the monster is what I term the current steps, measures and actions that is been taken by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and all other countries with cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). I’m incredibly impressed with the Nigeria government’s focus on containing the spread of Ebola.
    - See more at:
    Operation stop the monster is what I term the current steps, measures and actions that is been taken by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and all other countries with cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). I’m incredibly impressed with the Nigeria government’s focus on containing the spread of Ebola.
    - See more at:

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